In Zlatibor at the pool of the hotel Olimp was organized the Serbian final of an international manifestation City Games. There were six qualified cities to compete in six disciplines, but only one could be a winner. Was it Knjaževac, Kikinda, Subotica, Užice, Zaječar or Kragujevac?

After the first game flying water polo Kragujevac, the current champion, got the most points – 10, after them the standing was like this – Užice 8, Zaječar 6, Kikinda 4, Subotica 2, Knjaževac 0 points. In the second game wine Knjaževac once again didn´t received any points, better were Užice with 2 points, Subotica with 4, Kikinda 6, Zaječar 8 and Kragujevac for the second time in a row won the game and got 10 points. In the third game tourist rescuing Subotica was the best – 10 points, Užice came second with 6 points, Kragujevac got 4, Knjaževac 2 and Zaječar 0.

The fourth game prosciutto was traditionally won by amazing competitor from Kragujevac who left behind Kikinda – 8 points, Subotica 6, Knjaževac 4, Zaječar 2 and Užice 0. Kragujevac also won water basket – the fourth game out of five – and got 10 points, Kikinda got 8, Subotica 6, Užica 4, Zaječar 2 and Knjaževac once again 0.

The last game paddle didn´t change much this time – Kikinda came first and won 15 points, Kragujevac 12, Subotica 9, Zaječar 6, Knjaževac 3 and Užice 0. At the third position in total rankings ended Subotica, winning 37 points and bronze medal. The silver went to Kikinda, winning 47 points and for the second year in row unfortunately couldn´t defeat the champions. For the third year in a row champions well deserved became Kragujevac, winning amazing 56 points.

With this title Kragujevac won a ticket for an international final which will be held in Luxembourg in 2020. City Games tour continues their way in a Montenegro, while Serbia is already looking forward to play the games next year.